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The integration of state of the art automation, data analytics and Artificial Intelligence techniques with BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) is transforming Businesses Models fast, globally and irreversibly.

The emphasis is not primarily on cost reductions  any more but on agile and intelligent operations.

DOaaS is a powerful tool to enhance customer and suppliers relationships, optimize operational efficiencies and boost profitability


When and what to digitize and outsource

Organizations give for granted the irruption of digital transformation in their lives but face a dilemma: Should they start now working on stand alone projects using technologies that might not become standard or will they wait and try to execute the perfectly engineered corporate master plan with proven tools some years and many millions down the line?

It is the very nature of operations with its traditional long term approach to planning what make them particularly vulnerable to digital disruption.

Experience shows that few major organizational transformations succeed. By contrast, a focused perspective, identifying a few processes with high effect but limited organizational impact is a more sensible approach to the challenge.

Outsourcing operations is the best insurance against technological obsolescence risk.

Assess implications on the Company’s strategic direction

Any transformational Project, focused, limited or local as they may be will have an effect on the organization and its strategic direction.

A continuous assesment of the Project evolution and its implications by top management is an essential pre-requisite for succes and the best way to learn in first person about digital transformation.

Guarantee operational stability and continuous improvement

Evoluciona expert analysts will analyze your operation and needs, make a diagnosis and propose an operational model for your validation. Minimal organizational and systems disruption plus processes stability will be a high priority and sine qua non conditions for success.

In few weeks the new processes will be operative and delivering results.


Outsourced + Digitized Operations = Added flexibility and scalabilty

Tailored solutions

No initial investment

Low cost

Fast results

Data rich and fully
auditable activity


Multiplied efficiency

Transform back office
into front office
trough outsourcing

Rapid ROI

Multiplied efficiency

Error free

Alarms on exceptions

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